
jell-O oranges

Here's a cool snack idea I found at
It's easy to make, and my boys LOVED them. I think this will become a tradition in our house. Just scoop out the inside of a halved orange.
(I used a grapefruit spoon to scrape cleanly)
Pour in prepared Jell-O. First place halved oranges in a muffin tin to prevent tipping!
Chill for 4 hours, and slice just like an orange!
Yum Fun!


  1. What a neat snack idea...love it! The girls and I will definitely make these. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm glad yours loved this one as much as mine. I think we will do it for St Patricks Day with green jello inside. I don't know what an orange has to do with St Patrick's Day, but it's just more fun eating plain jello out of an orange! Could I put your picture of this on our flikr group?

  3. Rebecca, feel free to use my orange photos for your flikr group!

  4. Great idea! I wish I would have known about this for my "15 things to do with orange peels" post! Thanks for sharing.
